Few weeks ago I realized I lost a project I was working on back in 2015

It was sort of a "wiki" with information I gathered from trying some Distros; 19 is the number of distros I tried, so many hours of work lost >

. I ran some benchmarks and compared results between one and another just for reference and meant for personal use, however, I did consider the idea of uploading it to the web :

. I could only find some pages but most of it is now lost. I'd had sworn I backed it up but unfortunately I didn't. I mentioned this because in those pages there are quite a few links I used and relied on when I did my research, so I thought of sharing these links and who knows, maybe some of you might find them useful:
https://imagej.nih.gov/rsb/linux-sites.html Linux sites, a site who compiles links on other sites regarding linux.
https://www.linuxfoundation.org/ The Linux Foundation website. The Linux Foundation serves as a vendor-neutral home for Linux and generates original content that advances the understanding of the Linux platform. It also fosters innovation by hosting collaboration events among the Linux technical community, application developers, industry, and end users to solve pressing issues facing Linux and open source. Through the Linux Foundation's community programs, end users, developers, and industry members collaborate on technical, legal, diversity, and promotional issues. In order for Linux kernel creator Linus Torvalds and other key kernel developers to remain independent, the Linux Foundation sponsors them so they can work full-time on improving Linux.
https://www.linux.com/ A site which describes itself as "News for the Open Source Professional"
http://www.tecmint.com/ Tecmint: A Linux HowTOs, Tutorials & Guides website.
https://kernelnewbies.org/ Kernelnewbies is a community of aspiring Linux kernel developers who work to improve their Kernels and more experienced developers willing to share their knowledge.
http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/ Linux questions is a community-driven, self-help web site for Linux users started in 2000 by Jeremy Garcia with no focus on any specific distro but on Linux in general. However, it does have a dedicated BSD and Solaris section. It's one of the most popular free software community sites and is usually reputed for helpfulness.
http://www.linux-magazine.com/ Linux magazine is an international magazine for Linux software enthusiasts and professionals. There's plenty of information available on its website regarding Linux.
http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=home Phoronix is a technology website that offers insights regarding the development of the Linux kernel, product reviews, interviews, and news regarding free and open-source software by monitoring the Linux kernel mailing list or interviews.
http://www.tldp.org/ The Linux documentation project, is an all-volunteer project that maintains a large collection of GNU and Linux-related documentation and publishes the collection online. It began as a way for hackers to share their documentation with each other and with their users, and for users to share documentation with each other. Its documents tend to be oriented towards experienced users such as professional system administrators, but it also contains tutorials for beginners.
http://stallman.org/ This is the personal web site of Richard Stallman. Who as I guess some of you must know is a software freedom activist and programmer and launched the GNU Project in September 1983. As he claims himself "The views expressed here are my - his - personal views, not those of the Free Software Foundation or the GNU Project."
http://fullcirclemagazine.org/ Full Circle Magazine is a free distribution Portable Document Format magazine. The magazine is an independent publication and is not affiliated with Canonical Ltd., the sponsors of the Ubuntu operating system. It relies on volunteer writers for most of its editorial content. The publication is aimed at users of the Ubuntu operating system and all its derivatives. It focuses on product reviews, community news, how-to articles, programming and troubleshooting tips.
http://www.linuxtoday.com/ Linux news is a site delivering well...news on Linux.
https://www.linuxinsider.com Linux Insider, Linux news and information from around the world.
Well, I hope you find something interesting/helpful among those links.