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VirtualBox Update Bug Linux Lite
Unfortunately removing the package from the terminal will not collect the dependencies broken or unbroken to fix correctly, so yes you are probably better off to reinstall.

Yep. Tracked down the beginning of the problem. V-box updates for guest additions are from the 18.04 Ubu repos. Don't bother with them as they are buggy and have several ongoing issues. HOLD v-box updates unless you are on at least 4.13 HWE running Intel or 4.15 kernel. Also policy kit is out of date as well in LTS. Best to hold for now and wait. I think it would be best to just hold them back for now in the restricted repo for LL or people installing/running VMs are going to continue crashing them with updates. I didn't think of it immediately but it would be nice to see the install log from someone with a crashed vm. Here I think on the vm os  /var/log/vboxadd-setup.log

All opinions expressed and all advice given by Trinidad Cruz on this forum are his responsibility alone and do not necessarily reflect the views or methods of the developers of Linux Lite. He is a citizen of the United States where it is acceptable to occasionally be uninformed and inept as long as you pay your taxes.
Installing a new LL VM, or updating a running LL VM.

Be aware that updating virtual box guest will cause your LL VM to crash for one/or/all of at least three reasons on some machines. Best to follow the workaround below.

When installing:
Do NOT choose to update or install third party software during installation.
Do NOT enable auto-login during the installation process.
Do NOT update after installation until you HOLD virtual box guest additions updates.

If you have a running an LL VM now HOLD the virtual box guest additions before updating. See below.
sudo apt-mark hold virtualbox-guest-dkms
sudo apt-mark hold virtualbox-guest-utils
sudo apt-mark hold virtualbox-guest-x11

This bug does not affect all users but is significant enough to report as such.


All opinions expressed and all advice given by Trinidad Cruz on this forum are his responsibility alone and do not necessarily reflect the views or methods of the developers of Linux Lite. He is a citizen of the United States where it is acceptable to occasionally be uninformed and inept as long as you pay your taxes.

(03-26-2018, 02:10 PM)trinidad link Wrote: This bug does not affect all users but is significant enough to report as such.



Have been following these threads since they started. Thanks to everyone for their input.

Sent from my Mobile phone using Tapatalk

[member=5840]The Repairman[/member]
It's optional.  You have to select it in your Linux Software Whisker Menu.  So no, it's not in your default install.

LL6.6 in VM
LL5.8 Host
This might explain the issue I'm having.

I had an older Linux Lite deployment in a Proxmox VM (QEMU) that I used occasionally. I installed the latest updates yesterday and after reboot I no longer got a login screen. When I connected to it remotely via No Machine, the client said that no display was configured and offered to configure one. This happens after every reboot, but locally I can no longer log in. The video adapter for the VM in Proxmox is set to "vmware compatible". At first I thought the new kernel was the issue, but even booting with the old kernel did not fix the issue. I remember that the virtualbox-guest-* packages were part of the latest updates.

I then just wiped the VM and recreated it from scratch, installing Linux Lite 3.8 64-bit. It all went OK and was able to boot into it, but after the first series of updates the same thing happened. Black screen at boot, no login prompt. Switching the VM's video adapter to something else doesn't fix the issue.
Assuming I've run into this bug, how can I fix it after the fact?

I'm running it (in a few places) on VirtualBox... and I've long ago done the following:
  • I have auto log in on
  • I did install 3rd party items during install
  • the guest items have been installed

Any way I can fix the installations or do I need to rebuild the VMs?

The exact problem I'm having is that some programs won't open such as (but not only) Firefox, Chromium, Lite Tweaks, and System Log...

Update, I've fixed it

For others, I've fixed it by removing the packages listed above. I'll now follow the advice and hold those packages for now.
  • sudo apt-get remove virtualbox-guest-x11
  • sudo apt-get remove virtualbox-guest-utils
  • sudo apt-get remove virtualbox-guest-dkms

Recovering Ubuntu User
I had to install LL 3.8 x64 in VirtualBox this weekend.
Installed "3rd party..." during setup.
Put the three suggested apt-mark suggested by [member=5916]trinidad[/member] and updated without problem.
Tools still worked afterwards (not broken).
But, was wondering if the problem was fixed in updates of maybe Lite Updates was modifed to prevent the problem?

- TheDead (TheUxNo0b)

If my blabbering was helpful, please click my [Thank] link.
I  had this problem which meant that some of the graphic applications that accessed the internet (Chrome, Team Viewer) wouldn't work although I could carry out an upgrade from the terminal.  I have 2 devices running LL 3.8 an Intel laptop and an AMD desktop.  The Intel laptop has not been affected but the AMD desktop has been.  Did a bit of googling and found this solution on a Linux Mint forum:

I removed the virtualbox related packages and the destop started working immediately on a reboot.  Have updated LL files subsequently and it is still working.

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