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Linux Lite 4.0 Suggestions welcomed
Saw this earlier, thought this makes sense for newcomers from Windows... Samba GUI may ease sharing of Linux direcrories. Maybe for Lite Software?

Here's the link..

LL4.8 UEFI 64 bit ASUS E402W - AMD E2 (Quad) 1.5Ghz  - 4GB - AMD Mullins Radeon R2
LL5.8 UEFI 64 bit Test UEFI Kangaroo (Mobile Desktop) - Atom X5-Z8500 1.44Ghz - 2GB - Intel HD Graphics
LL4.8 64 bit HP 6005- AMD Phenom II X2 - 8GB - AMD/ATI RS880 (HD4200)
LL3.8 32 bit Dell Inspiron Mini - Atom N270 1.6Ghz - 1GB - Intel Mobile 945GSE Express  -- Shelved
BACK LL5.8 64 bit Dell Optiplex 160 (Thin) - Atom 230 1.6Ghz - 4GB-SiS 771/671 PCIE VGA - Print Server
Running Linux Lite since LL2.2
[member=5414]firenice03[/member] I had a play with this. Not sure if you tried it or not (btw your link is very small). Tried it in the 4.x test box and I couldn't access shares from Windows without jumping through many additional hoops. This is one of the reasons I created Lite Shares in the first place.
By comparison, this is all it does:

Samba Config:

  path = /home/jerry/testsamba
  writeable = yes
  browseable = yes
  valid users = jerry

when compared to:

Linux Lite Shares:

  path = /home/%U/linux_share
  available = yes
  valid users = %U %G
  write list = %U
  browsable = yes
  public = no
  writable = yes
  printable = no
  locking = no
  strict locking = no


I had not yet tested across platforms. With it being SAMBA and having a GUI, I was hopeful -  :'(
Maybe a bit excited  ;D

Thanks for taking the time to give a look..

I corrected the font size in the above - I copy/pasted the link from the address bar into the forum...
- Think this occurs occasionally...

LL4.8 UEFI 64 bit ASUS E402W - AMD E2 (Quad) 1.5Ghz  - 4GB - AMD Mullins Radeon R2
LL5.8 UEFI 64 bit Test UEFI Kangaroo (Mobile Desktop) - Atom X5-Z8500 1.44Ghz - 2GB - Intel HD Graphics
LL4.8 64 bit HP 6005- AMD Phenom II X2 - 8GB - AMD/ATI RS880 (HD4200)
LL3.8 32 bit Dell Inspiron Mini - Atom N270 1.6Ghz - 1GB - Intel Mobile 945GSE Express  -- Shelved
BACK LL5.8 64 bit Dell Optiplex 160 (Thin) - Atom 230 1.6Ghz - 4GB-SiS 771/671 PCIE VGA - Print Server
Running Linux Lite since LL2.2
No worries buddy, suggestions are always welcome Smile

FYI - the XFCE devs are reviving the Thunar Shares Plugin. Unfortunately, it won't be ready until mid 4.x cycle, but if it works nice and easy, we'll put it in 5.x for sure.
I did my own fork of it which works, but it's a real hack job, better leave it to the pro's Smile

[Image: thunar-shares-plugin.jpg]
Good topic, I didnt get to create share yet in LL since I have a NAS and didn't need to.
But, my setup is not the most common, being able to create shares without having to open a Terminal windows would give Linux Lite fan points indeed. Wink)
Maybe a little hack job in the meantime is not so bad...

- TheDead (TheUxNo0b)

If my blabbering was helpful, please click my [Thank] link.
I am throwing in my 2 cents on this for an image viewer and editor. I just rolled a beta 18.04 test iso for my stuff and decided I needed to save some space and gimp was just to complicated for most users. I decided on gpicview and mtpaint, which saves space and is light on resources. If a user needs a more powerful image editor then they can decide to install gimp, but this is my opinion.
The reason we offer Gimp ootb is because we're saying to MS, we are free software, let's see you bundle Photoshop in Windows. They can't, and that's a power we have over MS. Same goes for Office.

Arg! I so wish Krita would replace Gimp. So much more like PhotoShop. Its on PPA or AppImage though.

Its also ranked better on slant :

Its easier to use and I think takes less ressources. Don't have Gimp anymore to compare because I just luuve Krita.
I'm not related to Krita btw, I was just happy to give a special one finger salute to Adobe at last Wink
Yeah, Photoshop has more options, but it's like 25 times the size :-O and "needs" an internet connection because you "rent" the service.

I think I already wrote it in the forums but maybe a Lite Software special case O Great One!


(removed useless formating info)
- TheDead (TheUxNo0b)

If my blabbering was helpful, please click my [Thank] link.
(04-16-2018, 01:36 PM)TheDead link Wrote: Arg! I so wish Krita would replace Gimp. So much more like PhotoShop. ...

[member=6733]TheDead[/member] ... I use both Gimp and Krita. Krita is great for drawing -- it has excellent brush physics. Gimp is the better of the two for photo editing -- it has layer masks and a full set of blending modes. From what I know of Photoshop, it tries to be both, a full-service photo editor and a full-service drawing environment.

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