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Linux Lite 4.0 Beta Released
[member=4737]Jocklad[/member] great, thank you Smile
Lite Software updated:

- Wine (Stable) now available to install via Lite Software. Linux Lite has now added custom Menu entries to Wine under 'Games'. Please test and give us your feedback. Thank you
- Added OBS Studio

Run Menu, Favorites, Install Updates to get the updated version of Lite Software.
Some interesting hardware submissions so far on 4.x
Just installed Linux Lite 4.0 beta on a 16 GB usb stick to check out the theming and overall look,  so I can't give any definitive report about performance, except to say that everything seems to work really well and it's pretty snappy even on the stick.

I read that with recent developments in GTK there’s been some loss of functionality in Ubuntu 18.04. For instance, the GTK Theme Configuration tool is no longer available, and the xfce panel Notification Plugin bricks my Psensor functionality, requiring a xkill keyboard shortcut to quit the app (none of Linux Lite’s fault, of course).

But this is why, in the 4x series, having the whisker menu deliberately offset from the edge of the screen, with no visible separator accessible, just seems like another loss of customization and functionality.  So can this please be changed with the menu flush against the edge of the screen so that individual users can make this style and customization choice for themselves (or at least have a visible and accessible separator applied to the default style).

Also, love the look of Lite Tweaks in the 3x series, but the new version doesn’t look as good. The instructional text at the top is too large, and the active window text is not easily visible, even when reverting back to Droid Sans 10 point font (resizing the window doesn't help because it never stays). Is it too late to change this?

Having got all of that off my chest, have to say Respect to Jerry and his team for all the wonderful creativity and hard work that you put into Linux Lite. Many Thanks.
Still running 3.8 and lovin' it  (running 5.0 as a triple boot)
Installed 18.04 Lite Beta as a virtual inside VMWare. Same evening I installed Ubuntu and Ubuntu Mate 18.04.

Two installs were buggy and are gone. But Linux Lite runs perfectly. And it's supposedly a beta. Weird.

I use a virtual distro in Win 10 a lot, and thought you'd be pleased to read how well Lite performed.
I installed LL 4.0 beta via usb stick to my testing desktop. Used Etcher on LL 3.8 to write the ISO to usb.

The install experience was simple and straight forward as I expected. Boot was reasonably fast and there were updates available. I’ve spent several hours last night and today testing as many applications as possible, changing settings, adding applications and making changes to a few of the defaults and configs. So far everything is working great!

My only issue is with some theme inconsistencies, which I’m sure are related to gtk2 vs gtk3. The primary and minor thing is the size difference of the window title bar and buttons on some apps. Font Viewer, Calculator and File Search all show this.

Replacing Gnome Calculator with Galculator solved the look for the calculator.

As I mentioned, only a very minor thing. Overall the look and performance are great and it’s exciting to look forward to the final 4.0 release.
Hi there!
I'm new at the forum, but have been a LinuxLite user for almost two years now, and wanted to include my impressions about the new beta.

Downloaded it, saved it to an USB drive via Etcher, installed it to an old HDD, and have been giving it a run. My findings were:

1.-The background used on boot (greyish?) looks waaaay better than the yellow one.

2.-I like my sound equalized, so I always install pulseaudio-equalizer, didn't work on LL4.0  :'(

3.-Installed and tried FreeCAD, OpenShot, Audacity, FireJail (with Firetools). And all of them are working perfectly!

4.-It's great that LL now includes NotoSans as the default font. Wink

5.-Settings Manager now is called Control Panel?  ;D  a-la-windows-like?

6.-Software updater didn't find available drivers for my system's graphics chip, however back in ver. 3.8 I had no problem installing them.

7.-The default Adapta-Adapta theming shows nice colors, but is not very legible, so I switched to my usual Clearlooks and combined it with the Adapta window theme.

8.-I always utilize Iridium browser. I had no problem downloading it and installing it. Works like charm.

So far I have had no stability problems.
Boot-up is not as fast as on ver. 3.8, even as I followed Jerry's recommendations. Hoping that this is improved on the final release. Note: Messed up boot times are a recurring problem in the world of xxBuntus, so, bummer. :'(

I'll stay in touch.

Take care.
Pathological tweaker.
[member=29]tek10[/member] I'm aware of the GTK2/GTK3 thing, it was a deliberate decision to include those apps regardless due to their ease of use and simple UI, perfect for our target audience who aren't familiar with terms like GTK and may not be so savvy on the nuances in Linux yet. Cheers Smile
[member=7562]Nyto[/member] how did you install pulseaudio-equalizer?
Settings Manager now is called Control Panel? - No, but on the Desktop it is. Our primary target audience is Windows users, not Linux folk so things need to be familiar.
Software updater didn't find available drivers for my system's graphics chip - what GPU?
(04-29-2018, 01:50 PM)Mart link Wrote: But this is why, in the 4x series, having the whisker menu deliberately offset from the edge of the screen, with no visible separator accessible, just seems like another loss of customization and functionality.  So can this please be changed with the menu flush against the edge of the screen so that individual users can make this style and customization choice for themselves (or at least have a visible and accessible separator applied to the default style).

How do you mean 'offset'. It's always hugged the edge of the screen. You might need to give me more info here.

(04-29-2018, 01:50 PM)Mart link Wrote: Also, love the look of Lite Tweaks in the 3x series, but the new version doesn’t look as good. The instructional text at the top is too large, and the active window text is not easily visible, even when reverting back to Droid Sans 10 point font (resizing the window doesn't help because it never stays). Is it too late to change this?

I'll see if others have a problem with this too, that is, is it a widely held view that requires action. Thanks for your feedback.

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