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Linux Lite 4.0 Beta Released
... let the dead bury their dead (Matthew 8:22)
Interesting discussion here, hope it's OK if I jump in. I have been exploring Linux for several years now. I've tried around 20 distros. I'm even toying with True OS, a free BSD distro. After all the distro hopping, I have come to the conclusion that Linux Lite is what I really want. Linux purists might scoff, because it unabashedly tries to make itself attractive to Windows users. But I think this is a great approach. There are many Windows users who have become disillusioned with Microsoft because of the Windows 10 forced-upgrade debacle. I take care of my wife's computer, and will not let her use that spyware. she is currently still on Windows 7, and I plan to put Linux Lite on her computer as soon as 4.0 comes out. Only a year and a half till W7 EOL! She will need that time to transition to Linux. Myself, I tend toward the more windows-like distros; years of Windows conditioning die hard. I like a conventional start menu, on the bottom left. There are many distros where I can have that, but none of them have proven stable enough on my computer, which is 10 years old. LL is just so intuitive, and so rock-solid with updates and upgrades. In short, I think Jerry has found a great niche. Do one thing. Do it well.
... let the dead bury their dead (Matthew 8:22)

My business and home computers are all Debian. This includes three small servers, one for a private network, and two LAMP. I also own some server space which is also Debian LAMP. My home office has four machines including one 32bit. They all have Debian on them. One of my community services is to offer free Linux beginner instructionals at the local library for new Linux Lite users most who were elderly Windows users introduced to Linux Lite by me or my partner. We chose Linux Lite precisely for its ease of use and gentle learning curve and responsive intuitive GUI. I do have LL 64bit on its own partition on one of my machines, and LL 64bit VM on my main home office machine, and LL 32bit on its own old HP machine. I also have two Windows 10 machines latest builds, though the Sandy Bridge Dell is beginning to get glitchy. Also I would add, a little against convention nowadays my Windows machines are KIS protected and one of my servers is now exploring a KIS Endpoint deployment though I'm not so sure that will happen for me. $$$ being the issue. So yeah I am a geek, an old geek, and a geek with pragmatic $ focused politics. I have one server that runs from base OS Debian LXDE instead of gnome. The rest of my machines are all gnome. I am not an XFCE fan, for several reasons, none of which matter here.

My point in all of this is: Linux Lite itself seems almost like a community service to me. I have experienced first hand the joy people find when using it coming from Windows 7 or 10 usually, as if they have been rescued from a long slow nightmare ending in more $$$ expense and a brand new bigger nightmare.The idea and the implementation that the developers of LL have put together is bright shining success in my opinion.

I will definitely buy a Linux Lite branded laptop if one appears, maybe two. I did use one for remote work LL2.8 for a little while until stretch went stable. Laptops don't linger long with me. I have one old Toshi left efi dual booting Ubuntu LTS and Windows 8, and a Dell with Deb 9 for work.

All opinions expressed and all advice given by Trinidad Cruz on this forum are his responsibility alone and do not necessarily reflect the views or methods of the developers of Linux Lite. He is a citizen of the United States where it is acceptable to occasionally be uninformed and inept as long as you pay your taxes.
I would add to this a recurring nightmare users are having in the last years. Apple, with their 'planned obsolessence" . A perfectly fonctionning machine not being usable because you don't have the latest OS is proposterous. Changing software is one thing, but NEEDING to change hardware because the Apple Store app you need has been updated? Aarrrgg! *ripping shirt off*

- TheDead (TheUxNo0b)

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(05-15-2018, 05:15 AM)NN link Wrote: [quote author=mdiemer link=topic=5379.msg40955#msg40955 date=1526356391]
Interesting discussion here, hope it's OK if I jump in.

Hi, mdiemer! You are always welcome. Smile

Quote:I take care of my wife's computer, and will not let her use that spyware. she is currently still on Windows 7, and I plan to put Linux Lite on her computer as soon as 4.0 comes out. Only a year and a half till W7 EOL! She will need that time to transition to Linux.

To my mind, the best way to gradually accustom your wife to Linux is to install it alongside with Windows and let your wife work on the PC changing the platforms now and then, so that she herself could see what is what. Time is not pressing till W7 EOL so far. It would be interesting to learn more about her first impressions about using Linux, I hope, in the near future. I am just looking forward to hearing from you soon. I like such stories. Smile
I do intend to install Linux Lite as a dual-boot. You're right, there seems to be no immediate rush, but we should remember that the vast majority of folks are not even close to being geeks, and have no desire to be. They just want the damn thing to work. For them, the closer to Windows the better, and the lower the learning curve, better still. I myself am nowhere near being a geek, I just am not afraid to try, and reinstall or fix things when they break. If I didn't have music to absorb most of my creative energy, I would probably become a geek, as I do find computers so fascinating.
... let the dead bury their dead (Matthew 8:22)
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[member=7562]Nyto[/member] did that package I built for you work? I went to a bit of trouble to create that and would like some feedback. Cheers.
[member=6733]TheDead[/member] Lite Desktop not functioning properly on other Languages - confirmed. There will be a simple workaround posted in the Final Release Announcement.

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