This helpful tip is ideal for when you are setting up more than one user and want a similar desktop look for all - without manually pointing and clicking the settings for each new user.
I used this method on LL 3.8 and LL 4.0, to re-create the same desktop settings for a new user based on the desktop settings of an existing user.
How to do it:
1. First, create the new user (I did this part via GUI under Menu -> Settings -> Lite User Manager). Then I shut down and re-started the machine (not sure if that was strictly necessary), and logged in as main/admin user again. For the purposes of this example, I'm naming the new user as newuser.
2a. Replace this new user's ~/.config/xfce4 folder with the existing user's ~/.config/xfce4 folder. I did this as follows using these two commands but I'm sure there's a more elegant way to do it:
2b. Then do chown to ensure new user's files are owned by that user:
3. Repeat steps 2a and 2b for /home/newuser/autostart (remove, copy, chown).
4. Restart machine and log in as the new user. Done! The desktop for the new user should now be set up just like the existing user's, in a fraction of the time spent pointing and clicking.
5. If desired, you can replicate browser settings for the new users, it's the same principle. See info below in the thread for that.
I used this method on LL 3.8 and LL 4.0, to re-create the same desktop settings for a new user based on the desktop settings of an existing user.
- I am on a beginner level with Linux, so while this worked just fine for me, please feel free to suggest any changes or improvements.
How to do it:
1. First, create the new user (I did this part via GUI under Menu -> Settings -> Lite User Manager). Then I shut down and re-started the machine (not sure if that was strictly necessary), and logged in as main/admin user again. For the purposes of this example, I'm naming the new user as newuser.
2a. Replace this new user's ~/.config/xfce4 folder with the existing user's ~/.config/xfce4 folder. I did this as follows using these two commands but I'm sure there's a more elegant way to do it:
sudo rm -r /home/newuser/.config/xfce4
sudo cp -r /home/mainuser/.config/xfce4 /home/newuser/.config/.
2b. Then do chown to ensure new user's files are owned by that user:
sudo chown -R newuser:newuser /home/newuser/.config/xfce4
3. Repeat steps 2a and 2b for /home/newuser/autostart (remove, copy, chown).
4. Restart machine and log in as the new user. Done! The desktop for the new user should now be set up just like the existing user's, in a fraction of the time spent pointing and clicking.
5. If desired, you can replicate browser settings for the new users, it's the same principle. See info below in the thread for that.
Using Linux Lite for everything now. I put it on my desktop and my laptop. Woohoo!