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Transferring large file quantities Window 10 to Lite 4.2 fails
Don't think so.  There would be a blinking amber light on the front of the tower if system temperature is too high.

I haven't looked into the frame size issue yet - I hope to do so this weekend.  But my instinct is - that isn't the problem - wouldn't the transfer crash quickly if it was?

I think that the ownership on both the Linux folders and the Windows folders was part of the problem and that I'm now running into the - Error 0x8007003B An unexpected network error has occurred - issue.  More testing will be done on the weekend.

Perhaps my new server won't have this problem - but I doubt that.  Maybe it's a data packet collision issue?  The connections have so many error correction packets sent that it becomes overloaded and grinds to a halt?  My next project after the server will be upgrading my network to gigabit - maybe that will help.

And as to that piece of crap OS that's Windows 10?  I just discovered a couple of days ago that, when I look at the Properties of a folder that's on the mapped network drive, the correct sizes aren't being shown.  It shows a size that is far less than the actual size and I have to drill down to one or maybe two levels above the bottom level to get the correct size.  GRRR!  It's amazing to me that Microsoft can make great OSes like Windows 2000 and Windows 7 - and then deliver crap like Windows Mistake Edition, Windows Vista and Windows 10.  :-(
For myself, I had the exact error 0x8007003b, which I just did a google search again for you and confirm that.
I scientific terms :SMB2/SMB3 + Win10 + big transfers over "slow" connections = dog doo doo
In Win10, do this :1. Open an powershell in administrator mode.
2. Enable SMB1 with :Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName smb1protocol

3. Disable SMB2/SMB3 with :Set-SmbServerConfiguration -EnableSMB2Protocol $false
4. Reboot

You can easily reverse the procedure. See the full info here :

Note that this problem also also occurs with older models of NAS from QNAP and Synology and probably others with Windows 10.This also occurs when connecting true different VPNs like Fortinet's FortiClient VPN.

Condensed in these few lines are hours of debuging from our whole tech team at work. Provided free here! Wink
Hope this helps!
- TheDead (TheUxNo0b)

If my blabbering was helpful, please click my [Thank] link.
Thanks.  A user said in the bug report that using Powershell to run this command worked for him:
Set-SmbClientConfiguration -SessionTimeout 600

Of course Powershell must be run as an administrator for the command to complete.

I'll test it on the weekend.
Are you on 1803?

All opinions expressed and all advice given by Trinidad Cruz on this forum are his responsibility alone and do not necessarily reflect the views or methods of the developers of Linux Lite. He is a citizen of the United States where it is acceptable to occasionally be uninformed and inept as long as you pay your taxes.
Lots of things to try I'll to check that next time on my side too.
(timeout, snmp, putting smb3 only, etc.)

Thanks marc & trin!
- TheDead (TheUxNo0b)

If my blabbering was helpful, please click my [Thank] link.
Understandable that Linux absolutely dominates the Server market. There's nothing like having a pure Linux network running at home. Set and forget.

Sent from my Mobile phone using Tapatalk

(12-07-2018, 11:27 AM)trinidad link Wrote: Are you on 1803?


First, as a Windows user, you should know that Windows in general, since Windows 95, has continued to display the same annoying kind of buggy dysfunctionality concerning networking; clearly rooted in the same cause: the ridiculous redundancy in its graphical user interface. Because of the rocket pace of Web development, the Windows GUI beginning with Windows 8 has fallen far behind; and become an even worse example of non-intuitive humanly responsive software. Applications work well enough, but are severely compromised, over taxed, and limited by the patchwork quilt that is the GUI integration. This is so true that Windows developers themselves have evolved into experimenters; generally unaware of the results of their efforts until well after the fact, quite often completely unaware of whether or the not their efforts will integrate completely and reliably into the GUI. NTFS itself came to be partly because of this very issue, and the ridiculous redundancy of file explorer in the GUI.

Reading through your posts again I can see that you have experienced issues common to Windows networking. You mention the file size anomaly. This is directly caused by the way file explorer is so redundantly integrated into the GUI. I suggest installing an alternative Commander style file manager to eliminate this problem. The anomaly of VLC (which is cross-platform compatible) only playing a few seconds of a music file is caused by the same issue as well. The whole file was probably uploaded, but with multiple headers and carriage returns added by file explorer, or the wrong file location uploaded, as is common for Windows. Error reporting and packet confusion during uploads often occurs for these same reasons.

You mention you are on 1803 which now has an OpenSSH server and client available for installation. It is a simpler solution in that Windows networking configurations for file transfers do not really come into play. Coupling it with a Commander style file manager should eliminate most of the erratic file transfer issues you are experiencing with Samba and file explorer.

If you want to go for overkill, and/or add simpler functionality to most of the network file handling protocols available to Windows I suggest you may want to install cyberduck, a far reaching open source solution for Windows networking. I have never used it, (but I get paid not to have Windows networking problems in general) but it has got very good reviews, and it is open source.

Because you have an OS (Linux Lite) on your server I am assuming you are not running headless. If you are using a local server address via a direct ethernet connection (not through a router) i/e 10.xx.xx.xx I think you might have better luck, and be happier with RDP. 1803 makes this easy as well. Once it is set up, (I would use the Remmina client on the Linux Lite end) change the RDP port from 3389 to something more obscure, or use an SSH tunnel for authentication. With RDP remotely logged in with a Windows administrative account, the Windows CLI and power shell are simply accessible on your Linux Lite desktop as well. RDP and SFTP should give you the least problematic experience and the least problematic way forward.

Finally, since you seem to have Samba 1 working and connecting I would try installing a Windows 10 compatible Commander style file manager first and using Samba from it and see if your error issues resolve.


All opinions expressed and all advice given by Trinidad Cruz on this forum are his responsibility alone and do not necessarily reflect the views or methods of the developers of Linux Lite. He is a citizen of the United States where it is acceptable to occasionally be uninformed and inept as long as you pay your taxes.
Thanks for the benefit of your time that you used to write this long post.  You're probably right about the causes of Windows networking issues.  I do know that it was a source of headaches for me when I was operating my on site repair business in Edmonton, AB.  Sometimes the only way to resolve a customer's networking issues was to do a fresh install of Windows (it was XP at the time), which isn't the answer the customers wanted to hear.

During that time I went to a Microsoft event at the University of Calgary that was an overview of Vista just before it was released.  The drive down was cool - I was  drafting in a NASCAR type four car caravan down Queen Elizabeth II Highway (Alberta 2) and got my rusty Geo Metro sedan doing 130 km/h which it couldn't do by itself.  Anyway, a MS product manager is giving a ~200 seat theatre an overview of the new OS and says, "And we've improved the networking in Windows Vista..." and the almost full room of technical types like me applauded before he could complete his sentence.  Little did we know...  :-(

MS would do far better to release feature updates at (at best) once a year and use the extra time/personpower to squash bugs - but where would the reward be for them in that?  One of the bugs of capitalism - don't get me started...  :-(

Anyway.  I will try some of your suggestions when I have more time. You said,

Quote:The anomaly of VLC (which is cross-platform compatible) only playing a few seconds of a music file is caused by the same issue as well.

The cause of that was the files on the target drive locking because of the transfer failure.  (It's OK - you have a lot to read here in the forums and we all appreciate your help.)  For now it seems to be working better - and almost all the files I wanted on the server are there.  I'm now pretty much out of room there so the remaining ~500 GB will have to wait for my 'new' server to go into production in a week or two.  When that happens a lot of the files on the current server will go onto the new one. 

I'll see if I can do that by breaking the RAID array, putting one disc into the new server,  and transferring them internally, eliminating network transfers.  Sometimes transferring music files over my current network to the server resulted in files that wouldn't play.  They were the correct size but all metadata was stripped and they wouldn't play in VLC.  I'm ignorant of whether that was a Windows networking issue or just a networking issue but I want to avoid it, since even setting up the ~4 TB of files as a playlist in VLC to see if the metadata is there would take a long time (let alone listening to them all).  ;-)

Thanks, everyone here, for your help.  I appreciate it and like it that you're a friendly bunch of people here.  All the best to you all.
Thanks for the kind reply. Reliably networking to Windows is still a necessary convenience for many Linux users. I will be writing some new tutorials on the subject as many weird little things have changed with Windows in the last two years. My work is mainly with small to medium size businesses who for a variety of reasons resort to proprietary applications to handle accounting and technical infrastructure that generally use internal database updation outside the normal application extensions of the Windows system, and thus cannot be reliably synced in a multi-user cloud environment. What this often means is that cloud utilization is either too limited and/or out of the question altogether in multi-user environments, without requiring more new expensive licenses and software just to deal with any reliable cloud utilization that even then still carries a loss of some functionality anyway. SFTP and RDP in a real sense pay the bills around here, though I have a few other pursuits. Good luck with your adventure into Linux. It is well worth the effort.

All opinions expressed and all advice given by Trinidad Cruz on this forum are his responsibility alone and do not necessarily reflect the views or methods of the developers of Linux Lite. He is a citizen of the United States where it is acceptable to occasionally be uninformed and inept as long as you pay your taxes.

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