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[SOLVED] Annoying password authorization
First of all Hi, and sorry for long post :]
Second, I need to mention that Its not my first linux, but it doesn't mean that Im an expert or something. I have few servers with Debian, and I used for some time Ubuntu(as far as I remember it was 9) But I know only what I need to know, so its basic info+terminal+few other things.
I never had any problem with Linux, but this what I encounter in LinuxLite its just hilarious for me... 

I know that you, as a full time linux users, like to brag about how linux is secure,but there is difference between security and one step too throwing your netbook from second floor...

So lets get straight to the point:

Normally to remove this annoying password prompt in every damn window in linux I edit sudoers file  and just putt there: ""%admin ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL""
And if system is cool, and it have option for removing it I just use it. Simple and quick.

But not in Linux Lite...
I tried UserManager... nothing.
I tried changing files via terminal... still I see this damn prompt...
looking for help in internet... 99% mention solution that I already used.

Please dont start talking that its "for safety" because its not even funny... its just sad for people who think that spending additional  hour everyday to entering the same password over and over is safe. its stupid, deal with it.

I use this netbook as a cam server and for some app that I use in my company, and most of them need to modify loots of data and use loots of resources and I need constantly open/close few apps using them. And I need to switch sometimes to windows so its another bummer.

I had latest ubuntu before I installed LinuxLite and after work I normally spend maybe 2h using this netbook...
But because I cant turn off this password in LL, yesterday I spend almost 4 F@# hours because everytime I had to type this password... I was >.< this close from throwing my netbook from window and spending rest of my life tracking people who invented this amazing idea...

Uff... sorry for that post but after changing system and 200GB of data in weekend you can be annoyed like hell because of that...

So ADHD version: I want to turn off password prompt. Help. I tried everything that normally work.
I add this line at the bottom of the sudoers file
Where username is your actual user

Hope it helps but be careful!
I tried it. after checking userManager it was first what I add to sudoers... and still everytime when I need to open disc, change file, open install/remove app, open files etc etc etc... it prompt me about password...

I never encounter such problem in linux... I just have no idea what to change more to get rid of this...
Installation was without problem, setting up also, I though that changing groups in UserManager would help in some way(even just access to discs and files without pas would be HUGE help) but no.. it doesnt save anything... 

Using that line I am able to open Synaptic, gparted or open any other partition in Thunar.

The only other bits I've collected are
ALL     ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/sbin/gparted
Where you point at an app
might be worth a try
I can't say for sure what causes your problem but I have installed three versions of LL and never encounter this problem. I'm guessing you have  a permissions problem because passwords should not be required to open user file/folders. Are you saving files to system directories instead of user directories? Opening disks may need password, if they are not auto mounted. Or could someone have accidently set all directories with the wrong permissions. In hindsight, I do remember just that happening after using Filezilla and accepting a recursive permissions change, without understanding what was to happen. But that was nothing to do with any problem with Linux Lite.
1) Lenovo T520 i5 LL3.8 8GB ram, fast & stable
2) Medion P4 32bit LL3.8 1GB ram, quite fast & stable
3) eeePC 901 32bit LL3.8 1GB ram, fast & stable
4) eeePC 701 32bit LL3.8 1GB ram, slower & stable but small and light enough to travel with me to New Zealand when visiting family in Blenheim.
That why im so pissed off, because I have no idea how it possible to have such problems after clean installation...  normally editing sudoers work. 

About files: 90% of files I need to save  on two partitions, and here where  are first main problem is, because even if I mount them at start, when opening them using app, i get password prompt. I close app, open it again... and again it ask for password if I want to edit this files.
And because its netbook, it doesnt have much power so I cant keep such big apps open all the time, and beside very often i need to switch to windows 7, to use other apps.
Second main problem is when I use system applications like "install/remove software"... its always ask me for password: when I open it, when I install something etc etc.
I can live if it ask me for password when I plug-in devices or ask for it when I edit system files, its normal but not when I use my own files and apps...

Just for test I created new user and set for it "NOPASSWD", and still the same... hell, I set this to everything in sudoers, and still nothing...

I dont see reason for another installation,because its still clean installation, I edited only this one file, and open browser... so I have no idea why i encounter such problem.
One thing with Add/Remove Softwares , it s Synaptic & it will ask for your user password every times .

I know it must be annoying for it to ask you for pwd every times but if you let the permissions to everyone , it means that anyone having access to your netbook will be able to do everything with it , looks dangerous to me .
HP DV7 i7 2670QM 500.1GB 8GB Ram Dual-Boot LL2.4 Beta / Extix 15.1.1 64-bit 
Dell Inspiron 1720 CrunchBang 11

Duckduckgo ( for now )
I dont want to sound rude, but please give me a break with this paranoid ""dangerous"" talking.
As I said in first post there is difference between security and stupidity.
Its not like 90% of people are morons  and they gonna delete system files or they use their computers as a servers where their store their own nude photos...
And as I said, I used linux before, and only reason why Im using it its because of few apps, like zoneminder. 

I use PC to speed up my work and such idiotic problems are not welcome. Maybe most of you like to spend time in front of pc, playing with linux and programing, you have time for it, most of people dont, and they also dont give a F about such tight security.

I'm really tired of quarrel about linux security, because I have my world where work need to be done or I dont earn money, and you have your paranoid word where you protect every bit of data on your disc "just in case..."

Sorry for that but Im tired like hell, I spend my free weekend installing this system, and moving almost 200GB of data from different devices, and because this problem probably Im gonna sped another day installing other os, or moving 100% of my work to win7 and its not fun, trust me. 
Do whatever you want it s your computer , so what happens to it , it s your own thing .

I understand it s not fun , but if you work with your computer , I would like it to be secured as silly as it sounds to you .
HP DV7 i7 2670QM 500.1GB 8GB Ram Dual-Boot LL2.4 Beta / Extix 15.1.1 64-bit 
Dell Inspiron 1720 CrunchBang 11

Duckduckgo ( for now )
I use an NTFS partition for my data
I created a folder called "data" at ~/ which I mounted in fstab using the partition label
LABEL=data    /home/user/data   ntfs-3g  defaults,uid=1000    0      0
Might be worth a try?

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