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Beginning with Python
there is a free online course for beginning with Python at Codecademy.
It is done using their online editor.
Hi Bitsnpcs,
So, did you register? Are you going to take the course?
[Image: q7j1yAl.png]
Hello Scott,

yes I registered there a while ago and have completed several other courses they do.

Yes I have begun the Python course.

Are you going to register and do the course or do you already know Python ?

It is possible to write your own course on there, or to write codebits which are standalone projects for others to practice and improve on things they have learned on a course.
8) Way to go!

I am registered at Codecademy and their stuff is really nice but I think I'll leave the programming stuff for other people. Just don't enjoy it enought to pursue it but keep doing what you're doing because I'm sure Valtam could use another programmer on the tream.
[Image: q7j1yAl.png]
I like their stuff too, it's a really good way to learn.

I am unsure what/where I will need to learn when I get to the stage of completing the beginner course to be of use to Valtam and the team.
I would like to help as soon as I am able enough Smile
I checked and these are the courses I have completed there in the past, HTML5, CSS3, javascript x2 courses (current and old one), Web Development stack, Markdown, and 3 of the beginner codebits.

Since beginning the Python course I noticed I had begun the jQuery course last year when I done the above courses and it was at 7%, I have done a bit more of that so it's at 24% now, but am trying to concentrate on learning the Python course for now, then I will finish off the jQuery, and try the Python API's for practice.

I found some extra things to do after the Python course to continue practicing and learning, one is a course in Full Circle magazine (assembled into 9 volumes of Special Issues), I noticed but haven't read (I need to try and finish the one course before beginning another one), this has info about creating a GUI for the project as well.

Program in Python vol.1
Program in Python vol.2
Program in Python vol.3
Program in Python vol.4
Program in Python vol.5
Program in Python vol.6
Program in Python vol.7
Program in Python vol.8
Program in Python vol.9

Also on Codecademy forums I notice they recommend the course to follow on after their course as

Python the Hard Way

Which is available via link as a free html book, or to purchase with an included dvd of videos (which I've done).

The "Appendix A" is a -

Command Line Crash Course  for beginners.

So if anyone else is following the course hopefully this info might be useful for you also ?

As yet I have not looked into how to do the learning on the desktop, I noticed Python in gedit  menus, so it is possible to write it there, unsure how it's tested yet, and I noticed whilst browsing around online there is a way to do it in the CLI , but have not read the details yet.
Ideally it would be better to have a standalone method for testing so it (and any of my errors), doesn't cause problems in the OS.
(11-02-2014, 12:08 AM)bitsnpcs link Wrote: Ideally it would be better to have a standalone method for testing so it doesn't cause problems in the OS.


I don't do coding...
Could you install Virtualbox and put an instance of LL in it to do your practice/testing.??

Upgrades WIP 2.6 to 2.8 - (6 X 2.6 to 2.8 completed on: 20/02/16 All O.K )
Linux Lite 3.0 Humming on a ASRock N3070 Mobo ~ btrfs RAID 10 Install on 4 Disks Smile

Computers Early days:
ZX Spectrum(1982) , HP-150 MS-DOS(1983) , Amstrad CPC464(1984) ,  BBC Micro B+64(1985) , My First PC HP-Vectra(1987)
Hello Dave,

I am just a beginner/learning.
Thank you for your help and the information, I have bookmarked the link  Smile
I haven't tried this before so it will be helpful.
I don't think I have enough RAM (1GB) on the LL computer, it is a P4 machine.
When I have a machine capable of it I will try this.

Hopefully I will have one soon more capable to try out new things.
(11-02-2014, 02:13 AM)bitsnpcs link Wrote: Hello Dave,

I am just a beginner/learning.
Thank you for your help and the information, I have bookmarked the link  Smile
I haven't tried this before so it will be helpful.
I don't think I have enough RAM (1GB) on the LL computer, it is a P4 machine.
When I have a machine capable of it I will try this.

O.K,, Yes that would be pushing it.
Hopefully the newer PC will be a bit higher spec Smile

Upgrades WIP 2.6 to 2.8 - (6 X 2.6 to 2.8 completed on: 20/02/16 All O.K )
Linux Lite 3.0 Humming on a ASRock N3070 Mobo ~ btrfs RAID 10 Install on 4 Disks Smile

Computers Early days:
ZX Spectrum(1982) , HP-150 MS-DOS(1983) , Amstrad CPC464(1984) ,  BBC Micro B+64(1985) , My First PC HP-Vectra(1987)
Hello Dave,
yes hopefully so  Smile


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