I assume you looked at your pulseaudio settings and no luck.
are you wanting sound to come out of inbuilt speakers?
---if so you need to configure pulseaudio to show a config of inbuilt for analog stereo duplux
Open a terminal as a local user and run command pavucontrol to get to GUI control panel
or use your file manager to navigate to /usr/share/applications/xfce-settings-manager.desktop and RH click pulseaudio vol control (pavucontrol) and send it to desktop
2) Will you ever use hdmi out sound?
Its likely that you have it defaulting to hdmi
open a terminal and report if you only see hdmi control for this command
we can fix (1) first as its normally easier to do. (2) will need a root powered change to a file the alsa-base.conf file
but we need to be careful as you can muck it up.
--You will notice this file also mentions your usb speaker setup.
I am not sure if its relevant as you have not had a chance to answer, but if its a default sound device issue you may like to read my mini tutorial