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Linux Lite 4.0
The new version of Linux Lite is due out soon. It is based on Ubuntu 18.04 and uses the Xfce desktop manager. I regularly read posts from, which I find very informative. Recently he has been looking at Ubuntu 18.04 and various distros which are using it. The most recent is about the latest version of Xubuntu, which uses Xfce as the desktop manager. I think that people on this list would find his comments interesting. Especially the developers.

Just a suggestion.
To be fair to the Xubuntu developers, as a community-based distro, they did have an issue with not enough people testing the 18.04 beta release in order to get adequate 'bug fix' feedback, which I suppose compounded the already underlining issues inherent with the Ubuntu 18.04 release itself.

Here is the Xubuntu 18.04 beta release announcement -

I'm sure Sean Davis and the rest of his team will improve things rapidly, which I think is already happening.

My rule of thumb is - try to allow a couple of months for the developers to shake out the bugs of any new Linux release - although I wouldn't include LL in this regard, which always seems to work perfectly right off the bat due to Jerry's dedication and the great community support it receives.

Still running 3.8 and lovin' it  (running 5.0 as a triple boot)
Yes, I also normally let some time pass after a new release is out, before installing it. I am pleased to see that this should not be a problem with LL. I am hopeful that LL 4.0 will, as you say, work well straight away. I have a laptop which I use for testing so I will just install there first to see how it all goes. I can see why it is necessary, but it will be a fresh new installation and not an upgrade. That is always more work, but I should be used to that after using Linux for 19 years now. Roll on June.
From my first trial of the new Xubuntu, it's still a "naked" distro but are leaning even more to the likes of Linux Lite and Linux Mint.
Guess Linux Lite is on the right path. Wink
- TheDead (TheUxNo0b)

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... let the dead bury their dead (Matthew 8:22)
I was speaking more of the general look and feel. It's quite subjective I know. Wink
16.04 was icky... 18.04 Xubuntu is o.k.. for me...
- TheDead (TheUxNo0b)

If my blabbering was helpful, please click my [Thank] link.
After using LL for a long time, I got to know MX Linux and I doubt that I will use Linux Lite again. In MX linux, I have everything a newbie needs. In addition to a fast system, in MX I find a system with many applications that Lite never found, I am really very comfortable and satisfied with MX Linux.
Thank you Linux Lite for your work that you enjoy for quite some time. Successes and the best so that Lite continues to grow.  8)
... let the dead bury their dead (Matthew 8:22)
(05-26-2018, 08:17 PM)napsix65 link Wrote: After using LL for a long time, I got to know MX Linux and I doubt that I will use Linux Lite again. In MX linux, I have everything a newbie needs. In addition to a fast system, in MX I find a system with many applications that Lite never found, I am really very comfortable and satisfied with MX Linux.
Thank you Linux Lite for your work that you enjoy for quite some time. Successes and the best so that Lite continues to grow.  8)

I also tried MX Linux, it was in a VM but as far as I can tell it is quite a good distro. 
Without each others help there ain't no hope for us Smile
Need a translation service?

I'm sorry to see you go guys! Sad

As for MX, I do not agree that MX is a "newbie" OS, I saw it mentionned a few times in these forum so I tried it. Here's a quick review :

MX Linux 17.1 x32 (On VBox - i5-7thGen, 2cores, 1.5G RAM, 10G SSD. NB : This is like all my Linux x32 test VMs).

Some of the options can be confusing and/or scary.
I have some experience and even I was a little lost sometimes.
Just in the installer and updater there are some options that could probably brick the install. (Example, leaving grub options to the user, etc.)

Uniformity of interfaces is strange, some parts looking like OS/2 or Windows 95!
(There is no boot splash screen, showing the boot "text". It's ok for that "old school" feel but we're 2018 Wink - ADD : This could be a VirtualBox issue, I did not install on hardware).

In my quick tour, I found that some choices for apps were interesting other a little less, but this is still the MX strong point. Unfortunately, the experience was not without problems. The interface hanged on me, I could move the mouse but clicks didn't register, had to reboot.
ADD : Had the machine hang on boot also, this seems to occur in about one-of-five boot. It could be related to Kernels updates but contrary to problems I had in the past, this one is intermitent so could be something completely different. v. 4.15.0

Also, I had to manually re-add the updater icon which did not show after install. This worked once, then when clicked opened the synaptics package manager, closed it.
When clicked again... nothing happened. After reboot, was able to right click and select "Check Updates", it opened a terminal, closed it, no warning or anything. Maybe it was done, maybe not, did not care at that point.

I did not look that much but there are only an nVidia/Wireless driver tools? What about the other drivers?

Anyhoo, MX feels like a Linux Lite "Light/Core" or something for tablets and sometimes feel like it's not XFCE but OpenBox or something. Would not suggest to the "standard" Windows user, except if there still on Windows 95 with an old PC. Even then, seing it's only about 10-20MB lighter on RAM than LiLi 3.8 x32, I would probably suggest Peppermint before MX. MX is "interesting" though, but I won't give it another go until their version 18.

- TheDead (TheUxNo0b)

If my blabbering was helpful, please click my [Thank] link.

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