01-30-2020, 03:54 AM
Recently I noticed that my boot time went from 1:17 to 2:25 for no reason since I didn't change anything except upgrading Linux Lite.
When I ran
systemd-analyze blame
Last time I checked, Dec. 15, 2019, it wasn't slowing down my boot-up time.
motd-news.service has its use for people running servers. Read
to learn more about it and some related privacy issues but i won't get into that. These links explain a simple step to disable motd-news.service in its config file. I'd rather have you read it than me explaining it

Since I run an old single-core machine, I want to give it every bit of help to make it start as fast as it can! That's why I chose Linux Lite in the first place.
After modifying the related config file, my boot time is now back to what it was as you can see in my screenshots above.
PS: needless to say, the boot time gain on a SSD will be less than on a HDD.
LL6.6 in VM
LL5.8 Host
LL5.8 Host