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Lite Software - Suggestions welcomed
This script should be named lite-software-gui
saved in /usr/scripts, and marked as executable.
Once a selected app is installed or an installation has been canceled it will be launced again.
Here is the screenshot:
[Image: SYxQUCE.png]
The script:

#! /bin/bash
#Name: Linux Lite Additional Software Install (GUI version)
# Description: A GUI tool to easily install additional software in Linux Lite.
# Author: Misko_2083 2014
selection=$(zenity --window-icon="$ic" --list --width=890 --height=640 --column="#" --column="Name" \
--column="Description" --text="Select the software to install" --title="Install Additional Software" --ok-label="Install" --cancel-label="Quit" \
"1" "Apple Trailers Plugin" "Watch Apple trailers in your web browser (Firefox only)" \
"2" "Chrome Web Browser" "Install the Google Chrome web browser" \
"3" "Chromium Web Browser" "Install the open-source alternative to the Google Chrome web browser" \
"4" "Dropbox" "A popular cloud storage application" \
"5" "File & Folder Search" "Easily locate files and folders in your computer" \
"6" "Games Pack" "Comes with Solitaire, Chess, Mahjongg, Mines and Hearts" \
"7" "Google Talk Browser Plugin" "Install this plugin to use Google Hangouts video chat" \
"8" "iDevices Manager" "Manage your iDevices with Gtkpod" \
"9" "Instant Messenger" "This will install Pidgin, a multi-protocol Instant Messenging client" \
"10" "Java Web Applet Plugin" "To allow you to view java applets in your web browser" \
"11" "Netflix" "A popular streaming tv and movie service (account required)" \
"12" "Password Manager" "Installs KeePassX, an excellent password manager" \
"13" "PlayOnLinux" "Easily install and use numerous games and apps designed to run with Windows" \
"14" "Remote Desktop Software" "Installs the Remmina Remote Desktop Client for Windows (RDP) and VNC Servers" \
"15" "Restricted Extras" "Installs additional codecs and useful file formats that are not shipped by default" \
"16" "Skype" "A popular audio and video chat application" \
"17" "Teamviewer" "Installs Teamviewer Remote Desktop Support software" \
"18" "Torrent Software" "Installs the Deluge Torrent client software" \
"19" "Video Editing Software" "Installs Openshot, a simple to use yet powerful video editor for linux" \
"20" "VirtualBox" "Virtualbox allows you to install other operating systems like Windows from within Linux Lite" \
"21" "Weather Monitor" "This will install a Weather Monitor Plugin for your tray" \
"22" "Webcam Software" "Guvcview, webcam software for your computer" \
"23" "Wine" "Wine allows you to install and run some Windows programs and games on Linux Lite" \
"24" "XBMC" "This will install the XBMC Media Center" \
"25" "Updates" "Install system and software updates" )

case "$selection" in
"1")/usr/scripts/trailers 2>/dev/null && /usr/scripts/lite-software-gui ;;
"2")/usr/scripts/chrome 2>/dev/null && /usr/scripts/lite-software-gui ;;
"3")/usr/scripts/chromium 2>/dev/null && /usr/scripts/lite-software-gui ;;
"4")/usr/scripts/dropbox 2>/dev/null && /usr/scripts/lite-software-gui ;;
"5")/usr/scripts/search 2>/dev/null && /usr/scripts/lite-software-gui ;;
"6")/usr/scripts/games 2>/dev/null && /usr/scripts/lite-software-gui ;;
"7")/usr/scripts/googletalk 2>/dev/null && /usr/scripts/lite-software-gui ;;
"8")/usr/scripts/idev 2>/dev/null && /usr/scripts/lite-software-gui ;;
"9")/usr/scripts/im 2>/dev/null && /usr/scripts/lite-software-gui ;;
"10")/usr/scripts/javaplugin 2>/dev/null && /usr/scripts/lite-software-gui ;;
"11")/usr/scripts/netflix 2>/dev/null && /usr/scripts/lite-software-gui ;;
"12")/usr/scripts/keepassx 2>/dev/null && /usr/scripts/lite-software-gui ;;
"13")/usr/scripts/playonlinux 2>/dev/null && /usr/scripts/lite-software-gui ;;
"14")/usr/scripts/remote 2>/dev/null && /usr/scripts/lite-software-gui ;;
"15")/usr/scripts/re 2>/dev/null && /usr/scripts/lite-software-gui ;;
"16")/usr/scripts/skype 2>/dev/null && /usr/scripts/lite-software-gui ;;
"17")/usr/scripts/teamviewer 2>/dev/null && /usr/scripts/lite-software-gui ;;
"18")/usr/scripts/deluge 2>/dev/null && /usr/scripts/lite-software-gui ;;
"19")/usr/scripts/openshot 2>/dev/null && /usr/scripts/lite-software-gui ;;
"20")/usr/scripts/virtualbox 2>/dev/null && /usr/scripts/lite-software-gui ;;
"21")/usr/scripts/weather 2>/dev/null && /usr/scripts/lite-software-gui ;;
"22")/usr/scripts/guvcview 2>/dev/null && /usr/scripts/lite-software-gui ;;
"23")/usr/scripts/wine 2>/dev/null && /usr/scripts/lite-software-gui ;;
"24")/usr/scripts/xbmc 2>/dev/null && /usr/scripts/lite-software-gui ;;
"25")x-terminal-emulator --geometry=95x25 -t "Linux Lite Updates" -e /usr/scripts/updates  2>/dev/null && /usr/scripts/lite-software-gui ;;
This is incredible misko! I will seriously look at replacing the current install system with this. If you can get the download and install bar to show a percentage and download rate we will replace the current install method with yours. Up for the challenge? Smile
I wish I could help with that. I'm fairly new to bash scripting. I've found this
Maybe yad can help. It's more advanced than zenity.
I've updated the Install script, 'updates' now works and I've changed the OK button to Install and cancel to Quit.
I like your new version. The good thing about this kind of software is that it can evolve as your knowledge evolves.
Valtam, this will improve the install scripts a bit.
I've found this:
It can be applied like this in the scripts:
stdbuf -oL sudo apt-get install -y google-chrome-stable  |
stdbuf -oL sed -n '/\.\.\.$/ s/^/# /p' |
zenity --progress --title="Installing Google Chrome" --pulsate \
--width=450 --auto-close
It still doesn't show the download progress and rates.
[Image: mhBpr7Z.png]
Thank you to misko_2083 for his fine work on this code. I have now included this new code in Install Additional Software. This is now available in the updates. I'm currently working on the Remove Additional Software GUI and hope to have this finished soon.

[Image: gMimDGj.png]
Next target: Install Updates with GUI interface! Tongue +1 misko_2083
(08-26-2014, 05:27 PM)sonic link Wrote: Next target: Install Updates with GUI interface! Tongue +1 misko_2083

That would be nice Smile

Remove Additional Software has been gui'd to now, enjoy Smile

[Image: GQ3TQNJ.png]
got it!!  Smile

Thanks misko!
Announcements have been posted to social media sites, full credit to misko Smile

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