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Weird issue with language by default to Perú
I've installed and downloaded Linux Lite 6.6 a week ago

Firstlly I'll explain how I installed this OS twice. I'm not good with languages and I'm trying to learn English many years. So I chose English as the language that I'll watch any text with this OS. But I configured this keyboard in Spanish because that's my mother tongue. But I discovered something in my OS

Days ago, I decided to add Japanese as local to play some games good. I typed sudo nano /etc/locale.gen (in the Termianl) and I found that I had aguaruna as one of languages installed by default. In fact my keyboard is in Spanish, but that language doesn't exist in another part of my OS. I tried to installed Spanish and English like I did before with other Linux distros but finally I installed Aguaruna and English as my main languages.. Although I chose install Spanish and English.

Well, if some people don't know in Perú with have 47 different languages, 46 natives. I don't try to discriminate Aguaruna but I have more blood of quechuas than people of the jungle .Otherwise why not Linux Lite 6.6 install by default for peruvians in quechua or aymara?

Perú is considered a tropical country but we some so little people living in the jungle tha near to the ocean or in the Andes. Moreover for some natural phenomenas the places in Perú less than a half of the cities with more population are not tropical cities... Confusedhrug

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