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Lite Software - Suggestions welcomed
(09-03-2014, 12:47 AM)Valtam link Wrote: Example - You want to install Chrome and Skype. If you choose Yes to launch Chrome after it has finished installing, the Skype installer won't start. Do you think you could fix this? Cheers.
That's an easy fix. You will have to edit all of the install scripts and where there is a command to start the app just add &
This way the program will run in the background. [Edit] This way the shell will not wait for the command to finish.
Here is an example:
chromium-browser &
# Description: Linux Lite Installer Dialogue
# Author: Jerry Bezencon 2014
# Website:

# Main window dialogue.
INSTALLER_TITLE="Chromium Web Browser Installer
This will install the Chromium Web Browser.

When you click on Yes, this window will close and the install will begin.
The install time will vary based on your internet connection and computer.
Support is available from -

Once installed, Chromium is located in Menu, Internet.
Click on Yes to continue or No to cancel the installation."

# Call the zenity window icon location.
APPNAME="Chromium Web Browser"
        zenity --question --title="$APPNAME Installer" --window-icon="${INSTALL_ICON}" --text="${INSTALLER_TITLE}"

                if [ "$?" -eq "0" ]; then
                        gksudo -g --message 'To install this software your password is required. Enter your password, or press Cancel.' "sudo apt-get install -f chromium-browser --force-yes -y" | zenity --progress --title="Installing $APPNAME" --window-icon="${INSTALL_ICON}" --text="Please wait whilst $APPNAME downloads and installs..." --pulsate --width=400 --auto-close --auto-kill

                                if [ "${PIPESTATUS[0]}" -ne "0" ]; then
                                        zenity --error \
                                        --title="Error" --text="$APPNAME could not be installed."
                                        exit 0


                                        exit 0

PROCEED=$(zenity --question --title="$APPNAME Installer" --window-icon=/usr/share/icons/zenity-llcc.png --text="The installation has finished.\n\nWould you like to launch $APPNAME now?"; echo $?)
if [ ${PROCEED} -eq 1 ]; then
    zenity --info --title="Finished" --window-icon="${INSTALL_ICON}" --text="Install Complete.\n\n$APPNAME is located in Menu, Internet"
   chromium-browser &

exit 0

[move]Cheers Smile[/move]
This tool is very useful for post-install of additional apps.

Is it possible to detect those apps which are already installed, and maybe have an option to hide them?
(09-03-2014, 05:28 PM)riser link Wrote: This tool is very useful for post-install of additional apps.

Is it possible to detect those apps which are already installed, and maybe have an option to hide them?
Thanks for the suggestion. At the moment, I don't see how to add that.

Valtam, is this ok? The other scripts are all working.
# Description: Linux Lite Installer Dialogue
# Author: Jerry Bezencon 2014
# Website:

# Main window dialogue.
INSTALLER_TITLE="Apple Trailers Plugin Installer
This will install the Apple Trailers Plugin for your web browser.

When you click on Yes, this window will close and the install will begin.
The install time will vary based on your internet connection and computer.
Trailers can be viewed at -

Please close any open web browsers now or the program can do it for you.

Click on Yes to continue or No to cancel the installation."

# Call the zenity window icon location.
APPNAME="Apple Trailers Plugin"
        zenity --question --title="$APPNAME Installer" --window-icon="${INSTALL_ICON}" --text="${INSTALLER_TITLE}"

                if [ "$?" -eq "0" ]; then
                        gksudo -g --message 'To install this software your password is required. Enter your password, or press Cancel.' "sudo apt-get install -f totem-mozilla ubuntu-restricted-extras --force-yes -y" | zenity --progress --title="Installing $APPNAME" --window-icon="${INSTALL_ICON}" --text="Please wait whilst $APPNAME downloads and installs..." --pulsate --width=400 --auto-close --auto-kill

                                if [ "${PIPESTATUS[0]}" -ne "0" ]; then
                                        zenity --error \
                                        --title="Error" --text="$APPNAME could not be installed."
                                        exit 0


                                        exit 0

PROCEED=$(zenity --question --title="$APPNAME Installer" --window-icon=/usr/share/icons/zenity-llcc.png --text="The installation has finished.\n\nWould you like to visit the Apple Trailers page now?"; echo $?)
if [ ${PROCEED} -eq 1 ]; then
    zenity --info --title="Finished" --window-icon="${INSTALL_ICON}" --text="Install Complete.\n\n The $APPNAME has been installed to your web browser.\n\nYou will need to restart your browser before you can begin using this plugin."
killall -9 firefox &
killall -9 chrome &
killall -9 chromium-browser &
sleep 5 && xdg-open &

exit 0

Also I've made lite-remover.
# Name: Linux Lite Remove Additional Software
# Description: A tool to easily remove additional software in Linux Lite.
# Authors: Misko_2083, Jerry Bezencon
# Date: Aug 27th, 2014
# Website:

selection=$(zenity --window-icon="$ic" --list --checklist --width=880 --height=680 --column="Select" --column="Name" --column="Category" \
--column="Description" --text="Select the programs you wish to remove, then click the Remove button. Sort Categories by clicking on the column." --title="Remove Additional Software" --ok-label="Remove" --cancel-label="Quit" \
"1" "Apple Trailers Plugin" "Internet" "Remove the Apple trailers plugin from your web browser (Firefox only)" \
"2" "Chrome Web Browser" "Internet" "Remove the Google Chrome web browser" \
"3" "Chromium Web Browser" "Internet" "Remove the open-source alternative to the Google Chrome web browser" \
"4" "Dropbox" "Internet" "Remove Dropbox, a popular cloud storage application" \
"5" "File & Folder Search" "Accessories" "Remove Catfish, a locate files and folders application" \
"6" "Games Pack" "Games" "Remove Solitaire, Chess, Mahjongg, Mines and Hearts" \
"7" "Google Talk Browser Plugin" "Internet" "Remove this plugin for Google Hangouts video chat" \
"8" "iDevices Manager" "Multimedia" "Remove Gtkpod, the iDevices manager" \
"9" "Instant Messenger" "Internet" "Remove Pidgin, a multi-protocol Instant Messenging client" \
"10" "Java Web Applet Plugin" "Internet" "Remove the java applets plugin from your web browser" \
"11" "Netflix" "Multimedia" "Remove Netflix, a popular streaming tv and movie service" \
"12" "Password Manager" "Accessories" "Remove KeePassX, the password manager" \
"13" "PlayOnLinux" "Cross Platform" "Remove PlayOnLinux, games and apps designed to run with Windows" \
"14" "Remote Desktop Software" "Internet" "Remove Remmina, Remote Desktop Client for Windows (RDP) and VNC Servers" \
"15" "Restricted Extras" "Multimedia" "Remove additional codecs and useful file formats that are not shipped by default" \
"16" "Skype" "Internet" "Remove Skype, a popular audio and video chat application" \
"17" "Teamviewer" "Internet" "Remove Teamviewer Remote Desktop Support software" \
"18" "Torrent Software" "Internet" "Remove Deluge, torrent client software" \
"19" "Video Editing Software" "Multimedia" "Remove Openshot, a simple to use yet powerful video editor for linux" \
"20" "VirtualBox" "System" "Remove Virtualbox, install other operating systems like Windows from within Linux Lite" \
"21" "Weather Monitor" "System Tray" "Remove the Weather Monitor Plugin from your tray" \
"22" "Webcam Software" "Internet" "Remove Guvcview, webcam software for your computer" \
"23" "Wine" "Cross Platform" "Remove Wine, run Windows programs and games on Linux Lite" \
"24" "XBMC" "Multimedia" "Remove the XBMC Media Center" )

echo $selection | grep "Apple Trailers Plugin" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
/usr/scripts/remove/trailers 2>/dev/null

echo $selection | grep "Chrome Web Browser" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
/usr/scripts/remove/chrome 2>/dev/null

echo $selection | grep "Chromium Web Browser" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
/usr/scripts/remove/chromium 2>/dev/null

echo $selection | grep "Dropbox" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
/usr/scripts/remove/dropbox 2>/dev/null

echo $selection | grep "File & Folder Search" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
/usr/scripts//remove/search 2>/dev/null

echo $selection | grep "Games Pack" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
/usr/scripts/remove/games 2>/dev/null

echo $selection | grep "Google Talk Browser Plugin" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
/usr/scripts/remove/googletalk 2>/dev/null

echo $selection | grep "iDevices Manager" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
/usr/scripts/remove/idev 2>/dev/null

echo $selection | grep "Instant Messenger" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
/usr/scripts/remove/im 2>/dev/null

echo $selection | grep "Java Web Applet Plugin" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
/usr/scripts/remove/javaplugin 2>/dev/null

echo $selection | grep "Netflix" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
/usr/scripts/remove/netflix 2>/dev/null

echo $selection | grep "Password Manager" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
/usr/scripts/remove/keepassx 2>/dev/null

echo $selection | grep "PlayOnLinux" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
/usr/scripts/remove/playonlinux 2>/dev/null

echo $selection | grep "Remote Desktop Software" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
/usr/scripts/remove/remote 2>/dev/null

echo $selection | grep "Restricted Extras" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
/usr/scripts/remove/re 2>/dev/null

echo $selection | grep "Skype" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
/usr/scripts/remove/skype 2>/dev/null

echo $selection | grep "Teamviewer" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
/usr/scripts/remove/teamviewer 2>/dev/null

echo $selection | grep "Torrent Software" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
/usr/scripts/remove/deluge 2>/dev/null

echo $selection | grep "Video Editing Software" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
/usr/scripts/remove/openshot 2>/dev/null

echo $selection | grep "VirtualBox" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
/usr/scripts/remove/virtualbox 2>/dev/null

echo $selection | grep "Weather Monitor" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
/usr/scripts/remove/weather 2>/dev/null

echo $selection | grep "Webcam Software" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
/usr/scripts/remove/guvcview 2>/dev/null

echo $selection | grep "Wine" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
/usr/scripts/remove/wine 2>/dev/null

echo $selection | grep "XBMC" > /dev/null
if [ $? = 0 ];then
/usr/scripts/remove/xbmc 2>/dev/null
Hi guys - Just been reading through this thread and tried the beta updates script works great ! I was wondering when this would come Smile

Great stuff Misko - I think this will take LL to an even newbie friendly Distro

Keep up the great work - Kurt ..
(09-07-2014, 05:49 PM)Kurt link Wrote: Hi guys - Just been reading through this thread and tried the beta updates script works great ! I was wondering when this would come Smile

Great stuff Misko - I think this will take LL to an even newbie friendly Distro

Keep up the great work - Kurt ..
Thanks Kurt.  Smile
Will do. Smile
Have been out of town most of the week, hope to get into some more coding next week and update this software for all Smile
litesoftware_1.0-0150 for 32bit and litesoftware_1.0-0170 for 64bit are now available. Run Install Updates to get it.

  • Multiple install selection available for Install Additional Software only (thanks misko).
  • Install Additional Software now asks for password only once upon launch.
  • Less code.

To do: Add multiple selection option for Remove Additional Software.

[Image: s071MEE.png]
That's great Valtam.
You can use the script for the remover from post #42 to save some time. Smile
You can't select multiple programs to install but it looks cool.
[Image: Kw5sHob.png]

#! /bin/bash
#Name: Linux Lite Additional Software Install (GUI version)
# Description: A GUI tool to easily install additional software in Linux Lite.
# Authors: Misko_2083, Jerry Bezencon
# Date: September 17th, 2014
# Website:

selection=$(zenity --window-icon="$ic" --list --imagelist --print-column=2  --width=880 --height=700 --column="Select" --column="Name" --column="Category" \
--column="Description" --text="Select the program you wish to install, then click the Install button. Sort Categories by clicking on the column." --title="Install Additional Software" --ok-label="Install" --cancel-label="Quit" \
"/usr/share/pixmaps/steam.png" "Apple Trailers Plugin" "Internet" "Watch Apple trailers in your web browser (Firefox only)" \
"/usr/share/pixmaps/steam.png" "Chrome Web Browser" "Internet" "Install the Google Chrome web browser" \
"/usr/share/pixmaps/skype.png" "Chromium Web Browser" "Internet" "Install the open-source alternative to the Google Chrome web browser" \
"/usr/share/pixmaps/skype.png" "Dropbox" "Internet" "A popular cloud storage application" \
"/usr/share/pixmaps/skype.png" "File & Folder Search" "Accessories" "Easily locate files and folders in your computer" \
"/usr/share/pixmaps/skype.png" "Games Pack" "Games" "Comes with Solitaire, Chess, Mahjongg, Mines and Hearts" \
"/usr/share/pixmaps/skype.png" "Google Talk Browser Plugin" "Internet" "Install this plugin to use Google Hangouts video chat" \
"/usr/share/pixmaps/skype.png" "iDevices Manager" "Multimedia" "Manage your iDevices with Gtkpod" \
"/usr/share/pixmaps/skype.png" "Instant Messenger" "Internet" "This will install Pidgin, a multi-protocol Instant Messenging client" \
"/usr/share/pixmaps/skype.png" "Java Web Applet Plugin" "Internet" "To allow you to view java applets in your web browser" \
"/usr/share/pixmaps/skype.png" "Netflix" "Multimedia" "A popular streaming tv and movie service (account required)" \
"/usr/share/pixmaps/skype.png" "Password Manager" "Accessories" "Installs KeePassX, an excellent password manager" \
"/usr/share/pixmaps/skype.png" "PlayOnLinux" "Cross Platform" "Easily install and use numerous games and apps designed to run with Windows" \
"/usr/share/pixmaps/skype.png" "Remote Desktop Software" "Internet" "Installs the Remmina Remote Desktop Client for Windows (RDP) and VNC Servers" \
"/usr/share/pixmaps/skype.png" "Restricted Extras" "Multimedia" "Installs additional codecs and useful file formats that are not shipped by default" \
"/usr/share/pixmaps/skype.png" "Skype" "Internet" "A popular audio and video chat application" \
"/usr/share/pixmaps/skype.png" "Teamviewer" "Internet" "Installs Teamviewer Remote Desktop Support software" \
"/usr/share/pixmaps/skype.png" "Torrent Software" "Internet" "Installs the Deluge Torrent client software" \
"/usr/share/pixmaps/skype.png" "Video Editing Software" "Multimedia" "Installs Openshot, a simple to use yet powerful video editor for linux" \
"/usr/share/pixmaps/skype.png" "VirtualBox" "System" "Virtualbox allows you to install other operating systems like Windows from within Linux Lite" \
"/usr/share/pixmaps/skype.png" "Weather Monitor" "System Tray" "This will install a Weather Monitor Plugin for your tray" \
"/usr/share/pixmaps/skype.png" "Webcam Software" "Internet" "Guvcview, webcam software for your computer" \
"/usr/share/pixmaps/skype.png" "Wine" "Cross Platform" "Wine allows you to install and run some Windows programs and games on Linux Lite" \
"/usr/share/pixmaps/skype.png" "XBMC" "Multimedia" "This will install the XBMC Media Center" )

case "$selection" in
"Apple Trailers Plugin")/usr/scripts/trailers 2>/dev/null ;;
"Chrome Web Browser")/usr/scripts/chrome 2>/dev/null ;;
"Chromium Web Browser")/usr/scripts/chromium 2>/dev/null ;;
"Dropbox")/usr/scripts/dropbox 2>/dev/null ;;
"File & Folder Search")/usr/scripts/search 2>/dev/null ;;
"Games Pack")/usr/scripts/games 2>/dev/null ;;
"Google Talk Browser Plugin")/usr/scripts/googletalk 2>/dev/null ;;
"iDevices Manager")/usr/scripts/idev 2>/dev/null ;;
"Instant Messenger")/usr/scripts/im 2>/dev/null ;;
"Java Web Applet Plugin")/usr/scripts/javaplugin 2>/dev/null ;;
"Netflix")/usr/scripts/netflix 2>/dev/null ;;
"Password Manager")/usr/scripts/keepassx 2>/dev/null ;;
"PlayOnLinux")/usr/scripts/playonlinux 2>/dev/null ;;
"Remote Desktop Software")/usr/scripts/remote 2>/dev/null ;;
"Restricted Extras")/usr/scripts/re 2>/dev/null ;;
"Skype")/usr/scripts/skype 2>/dev/null ;;
"Teamviewer")/usr/scripts/teamviewer 2>/dev/null ;;
"Torrent Software")/usr/scripts/deluge 2>/dev/null ;;
"Video Editing Software")/usr/scripts/openshot 2>/dev/null ;;
"VirtualBox")/usr/scripts/virtualbox 2>/dev/null ;;
"Weather Monitor")/usr/scripts/weather 2>/dev/null ;;
"Webcam Software")/usr/scripts/guvcview 2>/dev/null ;;
"Wine")/usr/scripts/wine 2>/dev/null ;;
"XBMC")/usr/scripts/xbmc 2>/dev/null ;;
Icons are just for display /usr/share/pixmaps/skype.png and /usr/share/pixmaps/steam.png
Any image can be used.
It does look cool, what a tease :p

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